Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Aztecs

Theirs is a story shrouded in mystery and legends. A story of a tribe of wondering nomads that settled to engineer the greatest empire of the Americas in only 200 years. Their civilization rivaled the great Roman Empire in its sophistication. Now, unravel the mystery of the past, of their empire and their builders, of their rise, of their way of life, and of their complete and sudden downfall. Here is a story of the Aztecs.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Btw, thanks janisjai for the materials.

Dark Empire Unleashed!

Finally, the Dark Empire will be showcasing all its worth. You'll now be treated to an assortment of information on various civilizations and empires across time and space. Decipher the misteries of empires and their builders, their rise and their fall across the history of our world.